10 Things Women Can Do Better Than Men

  It seems that although women aren't better than men or vice versa, women are better at some things. After thirty years of marriage, I started thinking about the things I am clearly better at than my husband. Don't get me wrong. I do love the man. It's just obvious to me in so many ways why women are truly the stronger sex.

1) Women can tune out better. Watch a man and a woman in a restaurant where there is a screaming child in the next booth. The woman goes on about her business, chatting, eating and laughing while the man begins to tremble and break into hives as the smoke starts pouring from his ears. He will complain the whole rest of the meal.

2) Women are better at handling children's bodily functions. If a man attempts to clean up vomit from a child, the woman will soon be cleaning up after the both of them. Let us not forget also that our husband's favorite words while playing with the baby were, "Honey! I think the diaper needs changing!"

3) Women are definitely better at being sick. How many times have you crawled out of bed feeling like you've been hit by a truck to make your poor husband dinner because he's hungry? Enough said.

4) Women are better at getting what they want. A little puppy dog pout and a sad look into the eyes of your spouse will usually do the trick. If you can muster a tear, that's a huge bonus!

5) Women can let things go better. I like baseball as much as my husband, but when our team didn't win the playoffs, I sighed and moved on. He moped around for three days. Here it is a month later and he and his buddies are still going on about it.

6) Women are better at cleaning. Not much needs to be said on this topic. My husband thinks a sponge is a contraceptive device.

7) Women can communicate better. While I can actually form a complete sentence, my husband has mastered the art of grunting.

8) Women are better at exercising. Scrubbing floors, vacuuming stairs and washing windows burn off far more calories than the remote control arm lift.

9) Women are better at paying bills. If my husband were responsible for bills, it would be a dark, cold winter without power and water until the house was foreclosed on.

10) Women are better at dressing up. Of course it takes longer. We curl our hair, put on makeup and try on 5 outfits to make sure we look our best. Dressing up for men is a quick shave and blowing off the dust of the collared shirt that's been hanging in the closet since the last Christmas party.

Now that I've completed my list, I'm on the fence about who is the smarter sex. The men who get away with all this or the women that put up with it? Hmmmm.......just maybe the jokes on us!

5 Sep 2014